Because many people under the umbrella of the Sovereign Citizen movement deny the government’s authority, their encounters with law enforcement have an even greater risk of escalating.
I knew a guy who slept in his van, he didn't bathe, he didn't carry cash, he didn't have a license or insurance and the van was worth nothing of value
The cops frequently pulled him over and always let him go when they realized that writing a ticket would generate no revenue, that tow yard didn't want worthless autos in its storage yard, that even the cop didn't want to arrest a smelly guy that would stink up the patrol car for a week;
The odd thing is no license too and insurance, my friend told me that their entire system is based on compliance and when you don't comply then they can't do anything;
They don't want poor people in their jails the courts want money,
They're looking for high-value autos to seize, wealthy people to penalize, its their game;
He didn't argue, he was always pleasant with the cops, just totally honest, that he didn't have anything of the thing they requested;
When the cops bring these kinds of people into the station, its the last thing the station wants.
Cop's are lazy, they really don't want to do any work, and especially having to give people a bath & food;
Yeah cops are often just glorified revenue collectors. That guy was smart to always be pleasant toward the officers. Had he not been they may have responded violently.
yep, the nazis are 'just doing their job', must be pleasant to the man holding the gun in your face,
I remember as kid working in a gas station alone, a hold-up gun in my face, 'hand over the money', it was all 'yes-sir';
I was totally cooperative with the robber; did exactly as told, never showed anything but RESPECT.
Just like the pig in your face, most have a terrible job, a terrible home, divorced and fucked up lives, and they don't need much reason to shoot you or knock your teeth out;
There are 3 things that get me the most about sovereign citizens
1) they think its some big discovery sometimes laws contradict and this can cause charges to exist. Thats a key part of the legal system and why appellate courts can exist
2) if you waste an enormous amount of the court's time in a minor charge they may let you off, which doesnt really prove anything. Everyone but you is getting paid with tax dollars, whereas youre wasting time in a quantity far more valuable than just buying some damn tabs etc
3) they somehow think laws are invalid yet Black's Legal Dictionary is the ultimate highest authority based on...I really have no idea.
I have a friend who works as a lawyer in northern Idaho, so you know, such people are around, and he told me what bothers him so much about this is the people who write books on it arent stupid but the people who believe them are.
Its funny in the show Homicide from the 90s they find a sovereign citizen type murdered and he has no ID but a tattoo that says "If found, return to..." With his mothers address, and theyre discussing the movement and one cop says "you can unsubscribe from the government?" And the other responds "you can try"
Honestly I'm only somewhat familiar with the movement, which is why I chose not to elaborate more on their beliefs. As much as I appreciate the sentiment of claiming "sovereignty" from the government, I agree with you that much of what they do seems to be far more effort than it's worth.
I knew a guy who slept in his van, he didn't bathe, he didn't carry cash, he didn't have a license or insurance and the van was worth nothing of value
The cops frequently pulled him over and always let him go when they realized that writing a ticket would generate no revenue, that tow yard didn't want worthless autos in its storage yard, that even the cop didn't want to arrest a smelly guy that would stink up the patrol car for a week;
The odd thing is no license too and insurance, my friend told me that their entire system is based on compliance and when you don't comply then they can't do anything;
They don't want poor people in their jails the courts want money,
They're looking for high-value autos to seize, wealthy people to penalize, its their game;
He didn't argue, he was always pleasant with the cops, just totally honest, that he didn't have anything of the thing they requested;
When the cops bring these kinds of people into the station, its the last thing the station wants.
Cop's are lazy, they really don't want to do any work, and especially having to give people a bath & food;
Yeah cops are often just glorified revenue collectors. That guy was smart to always be pleasant toward the officers. Had he not been they may have responded violently.
yep, the nazis are 'just doing their job', must be pleasant to the man holding the gun in your face,
I remember as kid working in a gas station alone, a hold-up gun in my face, 'hand over the money', it was all 'yes-sir';
I was totally cooperative with the robber; did exactly as told, never showed anything but RESPECT.
Just like the pig in your face, most have a terrible job, a terrible home, divorced and fucked up lives, and they don't need much reason to shoot you or knock your teeth out;
There are 3 things that get me the most about sovereign citizens
1) they think its some big discovery sometimes laws contradict and this can cause charges to exist. Thats a key part of the legal system and why appellate courts can exist
2) if you waste an enormous amount of the court's time in a minor charge they may let you off, which doesnt really prove anything. Everyone but you is getting paid with tax dollars, whereas youre wasting time in a quantity far more valuable than just buying some damn tabs etc
3) they somehow think laws are invalid yet Black's Legal Dictionary is the ultimate highest authority based on...I really have no idea.
I have a friend who works as a lawyer in northern Idaho, so you know, such people are around, and he told me what bothers him so much about this is the people who write books on it arent stupid but the people who believe them are.
Its funny in the show Homicide from the 90s they find a sovereign citizen type murdered and he has no ID but a tattoo that says "If found, return to..." With his mothers address, and theyre discussing the movement and one cop says "you can unsubscribe from the government?" And the other responds "you can try"
Honestly I'm only somewhat familiar with the movement, which is why I chose not to elaborate more on their beliefs. As much as I appreciate the sentiment of claiming "sovereignty" from the government, I agree with you that much of what they do seems to be far more effort than it's worth.
Well and the thing is its based on the idea that some made up government has clear legitimacy basically lol