I want to thank you all for your support over the last two years. I hope Thoughts Into Words will continue to grow and expand in the years to come, and I hope you will all stick around as it does.
Thanks for serving a public audience with your writing talent, Steven.
Especially for your work to dismantle "the official narrative about “Havana Syndrome” [among others] that has been pushed by politicians, the media, and members of the intelligence community is based on L I E S and F A L S E H O O D S and is meant to propagandize the American public against foreign governments outside of the U.S. empire."
Refreshing contributions - on the right side of history. Documented for this generation amid strange times and more to come.
Congrats on the two years, and thank you for the mention. I appreciate your support as well.
Thanks for serving a public audience with your writing talent, Steven.
Especially for your work to dismantle "the official narrative about “Havana Syndrome” [among others] that has been pushed by politicians, the media, and members of the intelligence community is based on L I E S and F A L S E H O O D S and is meant to propagandize the American public against foreign governments outside of the U.S. empire."
Refreshing contributions - on the right side of history. Documented for this generation amid strange times and more to come.
Acute worries:
- Growing Police State: https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza
(incl prominent endorsement by TWTR owner himself and others)
- Demise from within: His excellence El Salvador's president (https://twitter.com/AnaToledoDavila/status/1716855194657468550 )
- How to spot Fascism: Britt, 2003 (https://sites.google.com/site/targetedstalkedterrorized/are-you-the-victim-of-or-potential-participant-in-domestic-terrorism/8-the-14-characteristics-of-fascism)
Worst are those traitors with the VIRTUE SIGNALLING (that's what Jesus stood up against the most: Wolves in sheep's clothing - Danger ahead!)
May the truth-telling community continue to pick up momentum.
P.S.: My likes would never stick on this one: https://twitter.com/PSardonicus/status/1602400290392735745 #HavanaSyndrome